Building a community requires two important components: education and support. As such, Hilm’s two branches endeavor to provide educational activities for groups of all ages, as well as social services for the Muslim community.
What We Do
Life training skills
Sunday and Saturday Islamic Schools for Kids
Islamic educational seminars (finance, Zakat etc)
Camping trips
Kids activities
Family events
Youth Activities
Social Services
Food, Clothing and Toy drives
Elderly aid
Orphan sponsorship
Meals on Wheels delivery
Emergency Relief
Community outreach
Interfaith dialogue
Mosque open house
Interfaith dinners/iftars
Hilm works with several local organizations including the Old Brewery mission, ICNA relief, and others to provide assistance and aid to those in need.
Work With Us
We’re always looking to team-up with individuals and groups who share our goal of helping others and serving our communities.
Whether it’s serving meals at a homeless shelter or assisting the elderly, we’re ready to roll up our sleeves if you are!